SMWW - SPORTS MANAGER WORLD WIDE - is the private school OF basketball [ how to scout players and to be general manager for teams ] - i have CERTIFICATE of GENERAL MANAGER [GM]/ SCOUT NBA - smww is the college which many gm of NBA teams have they degree. = i dont work in nba but i use this knowledge to ..create the 1st creaTive tourist website combine the sports[ basketball] with tourism and some. psychology knowledge from my studies in the xini college of psychology [ 2 years] = HOW basketball can offer so much to ANYONE... and to TOURISM.... -willing to offer/work to any place/park act -like/ share-GET= ============================================================================= MY congratulation email from smww = On Mon, 10/13/08, SMWW Student Services <> wrote:
From: SMWW Student Services <>
Subject: Congrats on finishing your course!
To: "Zenon Zenonos"
Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 10:00 AM
Dear SMWW Basketball General Manager and Scouting Graduate,
Congratulations. You have met the necessary requirements for successful completion of the Basketball GM and Scouting program.. You should receive your certificate of completion within the next two weeks.
Here are a few items to keep in mind when moving forward:
* Interviews & Job Offers – you should have a professional resume that you are submitting for available positions that interest you. Please contact us if and when you are considering a job offer and/or accept a position. Resume and cover letter examples are listed in the SMWW Resource Library located at
* Alumni Benefits – as an SMWW alumnus, you have continued access to the SMWW Resource Library. New job opportunities are posted on a continual basis. If you have challenges logging in with a proper User Name and Password, please contact us. Currently, the User Name is “sbm” and the Password is “resource”.
* Audio Chats - You also have continued access to the audio chats. You are welcome to drop into the audio chats to brush up on your skills, ask a specific question, and talk basketball.
* Break into the game - Most importantly, remember your first job in sports will not be your last. Getting your foot in the door is step #1, be willing to volunteer your time, take an internship, take a position outside of your initial area of interest, and move up from there! SMWW will be with you throughout your career and the SMWW network of sports business executives keeps growing.
* Skill Set – if you want to continue to increase your value to an employer, move up the sports business career ladder, and continue to grow in the sports industry, I encourage you to keep learning! Over 50% of SMWW students take multiple courses to help them achieve this end. We can assure you that working with, and getting to know, the expert SMWW instructors is an investment that will last your entire life.
* Professional Basketball Portfolio - Use your professional basketball portfolio you have compiled at SMWW when applying for positions. This will separate you from other applicants. This should include:
o Professional Resume (examples available in the SMWW Resource Library)
o Professional Cover Letter (examples available in the SMWW Resource Library)
o Final Scouting Report
o Dr. G. Lynn Lashbrook, President and Founder of SMWW, listed as a reference at phone number 503-445-7105.
o Final Paper or selected course projects as it relates to professional basketball
If SMWW can provide additional information or clarification about any of our programs, please contact my staff or myself at any time. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and I wish you the best of luck in your career. Please stay in touch and congratulations once again on your successful completion of the SMWW Basketball General Manager and Scouting Course.
Dr. Lynn Lashbrook
President & Founder
Sports Management Worldwide
1100 NW Glisan 2B
Portland, Oregon USA 97209
Toll Free in US and Canada: 1-877-SMWW-Now
US phone number: (011) 503-445-7105
UK phone number: +44 020 7669 4201
1100 NW Glisan Suite 2B, Portland OR 97209
877-SMWW-Now ================================================================================ by Think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive tourist website =Projects on sports tourism/NEW marketing ideas/ART Services =social media = [photo/video]/ Sport services -with..think sport court -A pioneer basketball program [ edu/tourist/anti bullying/pro sport guidance] - for ANY age/family act = For ANY place/park/hotel act = #TOURISM #offer #family #hotel #basketball #travel #socialMedia #thinkfamilyvacation #sportsTourism = follow/share/like- be partner in tFv socials [ facebook/ instagram/youtube ] = think family vacation ================================================================================