Δημήτρης = later Mercedes came -by tFv = #eoka #cyprus #history
Δημήτρης = later Mercedes came - movie script- by Zenon- a 7y work/study/research- HOW a 7y boy in Cyprus, fight [ for independence ] the British Empire of 56 with..roses - =like/share- participate[ many ways- to help= with the promote ,find he right produced company- - or to..play in the movie [ many war scenes ] = = INFO = yes - i am the person who move the right people to start looking for the bones of the little hero - in 2021 , after 64 years, they make a right grave for the BIGGEST hero of Cyprus. the BOY will.. talk and has MANY to..say.. = like/share/support -https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/dimitrakismovie -[inform the tourist offices of Cyprus- there is many projects HOW can help a lot the tourism the story of the Boy - IF they want to help/ support ] - the script is also A STRONG TOURIST PROJECT . ======================================================================== by Think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive tourist website =Projects on sports tourism combine the..history of each place .- and..NEW marketing ideas/ART Services =social media = [photo/video]/ Sport services -with..think sport court -A pioneer basketball program [ edu/tourist/anti bullying/pro sport guidance] - for ANY age/family act = For ANY place/park/hotel act = https://shoutout.wix.com/so/e4OKI7yGT?languageTag=en #TOURISM #offer #family #hotel #basketball #travel #socialMedia #thinkfamilyvacation #sportsTourism = follow/share/like- be partner in tFv socials [ facebook/ instagram/youtube ] = think family vacation ============================================================== song= Fever Ray 'Keep The Streets Empty For Me' Instrumental Remake