Welcome! Have a look around and join the discussions.
the think Forum from the 1st creaTive Tourist website =SUBSCRIBE - participate=GET
49think Family vacation
what is think Family vacation
41to do
think..TO DO - in the 1st creaTive Tourist website - GET services and..MORE....
3think Inspiration by tFv
HOW i offer inspiration for pioneer projects - from years of research/study on creaTive- sports Tourism
Services by tFv- WANT more tourism/customers in YOUR place/park/hotel/islanf/beach act ? SUBSCRIBE -ASK ...
4magikdo system
what is magikdo system
6think sport court
think sport court. a pioneer basketball program for ANY age/ plyer/ place/ park act
the smww - my studies of GM/SCOUT NBA - in the sports manager world wide
PLACES by think family vacation.
7think tripAdvisor
think places and travels with many pioneer projects... - SAME and better for ANY other places....
A pioneer project for Larnaca from think Family vacation
51think..Ayia Napa
A pioneer research/study for Ayia Napa - [Larnaca ] FROM think family vacation.
A pioneer study for Aegina island [ Greece] from thik family vacation.
10think Ayia Marina
A pioneer research/study/project for Ayia Marina [ Aegina] FROM think family vacation
1Vagias Treasure by tFv
A pioneer research/study/project for vagia area -[ Aegina] based on the famous book FROM think Family vacation
2think Sea Garden park
A pioneer research/study/project for sea garden park-Burgas by think family vacation
6Paphos city of Kings
a pioneer campaign with many projects for Paphos -Cyprus By tFv
36Projects- play 5
play 5 - pioneer projects ON tourism/art/sports/edu/business.
eShop from think family vacation- BUY/ORDER -PARTICIPATE - GET the think sport court .....
38Δημητρης...- Movie script
A pioneer Movie script by Zenon about the little Dimitris.a 7y boy who fight the British Empire of 56 in Cyprus .
media from think family vacation - campaign - projects/ideas and more...
3get involved
get involved in the 1st creaTive website - 1/support [ follow - subscribe/- /BE partner 3/ GET the art services
1creatio Bigas
creatio Bigas- the creating team for ALL projects. wanted partners...
4Proposal by tFv
A pioneer business proposal from tFv to municipalities / parks/hotels /parks act
FREE pc and Games by the 1st creaTive- Tourist website = SUPPORT = subscribe the forum- get the offers
4events by tFv
events by tFv - support the 1st creaTive Tourist website =SUBSCIBE -get the offers/ the projects / the Services
42think YOUTUBE
subscribe the most creaTive YOUTUBE channel- with pioneer projects on sports tourism - with.. art services
2Good SUN..day by tFv
inspire photos from and..for pioneer projects from tFv = ALL.. want support/partners - ALSO- willing to GIVE/OFFER/WORK
the Red road is the following year of Olympiacos and the road to the success.. - with comments by GM/SCOUT NBA
1think Printful - online shop
the online eShop of tFv through the biggest eshop company - printful = [ tshirts/hats act] all from pioneer projects
2visitors opinion
hello- this is the space to write every visitor or member the opinion, proposals act