Over the course of several films and TV shows, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has done a great job exploring the furthest reaches of the cosmos. From Thanos' crucial role in the Infinity Saga to the recent focus on the Multiverse, the MCU has brought in elements from just about every corner of Marvel's sprawling universe. But despite the epic scope of the MCU, many factors could prevent Marvel Studios from introducing certain cosmic players, such as the Goddess, who is likely too controversial to be featured on-screen.
Acting as the big bad of Jim Starlin and Ron Lim's Infinity Crusade, the Goddess was one of two beings created by Adam Warlock when he exorcized all the good and evil from his soul to become the perfect wielder of the Infinity Gauntlet. Despite embodying Warlock's goodness, the Goddess proved to be anything but an angel, acting as a being of absolutes. As part of the Goddess' crusade to eradicate anything that she deemed evil, she attempted to wipe out all sentient life in the universe with a collection of Cosmic Cubes.
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The Goddess' Portrayal Could be Problematic for the MCU
The Goddess' connection to themes of faith and zealotry went much deeper than just her name and goals. The Goddess's main ability was her telepathy, which allowed her to brainwash others. This ability is shared with many characters across Marvel history, but the Goddess' power featured a unique caveat; it was more effective on those who held spiritual beliefs. Those who fell under the Goddess' control worshiped her, as she fed on their faith to become stronger. In Infinity Crusade, the Goddess essentially founded a religion based around herself and branded all who opposed her as heretics.
The Goddess' characterization as a fire-and-brimstone false prophet makes an appearance in the MCU unlikely. Disney has actively avoided portraying religion within its media to avoid even the potential for controversy in the past. With the high level of publicity surrounding Phase Four, the chances of alienating certain demographics have never been greater. The Goddess' inclusion in the MCU could risk sending a negative message concerning religion, pushing viewers away.