BRAVO for the decision to PLAY basketball is MORE than A..GAME..= special these times which almost all system s want people without goal/ think/dream -ONLY TO..FOLLOW to..BUY to.. NOT.create to..not....PLAY seat football... [ i call it football bullying ] - please , don t misunderstood - i am fan of all sports. i am FULL against BULLYING. and for sure there is academy s of football who make right job [very few in countries like Germany] .. to create thinking people - BUT..strange that basketball is not very popular in Germany.. --- [ i say the secret to..all -[ think player makes best player ] ================================================================================- i am the creator [ after years of research/study] of think sport court - A program with 4 parts [ edu/.tourist/anti bullying /sport guidance for all ages [ basketball 1st, but can work to other ] - LOOKING to offer/work to any place/park/hotel act = SUBSCRIBE/like/follow all the social to the page = - inform- think sport court IS a part of the think family vacation - A pioneer tourist campaign for any place/park/hotel act ================================================================================ #Deutchland #basketball #Germany #thinksportcourt #thinkfamilyvacation