Zenon -[ secret ] project by www.thinkfamilyvacation.com = A pioneer idea/project for this place with..center the statue of the Zenon of Citium [ unknown for many people philosopher.. but in a few time..all world will find what he say for..THESE days.. [ if they accept my pioneer ideas- for now.. they afraid the..NEW or just dont want to listen people outside they circle .] = ONLY with these project - the tourism in Larnaca will be double . AND...when they find what i design for the philosopher..will be triple the tourism.. - LARNACA can be METROPOLIS of family tourism..BUT for this they need people with open mind.. VISION.. -[ there is ANY new creative idea for...20 years in the city.. it is dead city walking ..without any culture, parks/ art/ SPORTS..green places.. - LARNACA have the most beautiful and safe beach in this..world..AND they dont know HOW to...promote this... = ALL i want is to OFFER /work a 10 years of research/study / work/ money sacrifice and they dont want to..listen... = INFORM- willing to offer/work to any SERIOUS company / village/island the pioneer Tourist projects . = like/follow/subscribe the socials in think larnaca page IF..YOU..YOU..CARE... = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/think-larnaca =============================================================================== joke = this pioneer idea i send to ..pieridis museum for support and they say.. we dont involve with..tourist projects... [ this..say the..MUSEUM ]
#thinklarnaca #larnaca #thinkfamilyvacation #thinksportcourt