A pioneer project/research/study from tFv -HOW the abandon area of larnaca lake with flamingos, next to airport can..transfer to OASIS of..creation/ sports/ family area . with ..BIG profits for all. - a project from think larnaca campaign /proposal to eta Larnacas [ which dont read it- just they say= NO complete..] -but always hope they find the ..lost vision.. - larnaca can be METROPOLIS of family tourism . = i cant say hre the details [ because they make 1 of my ideas and no one inform me - the renovation of the city garden it was my idea before 3 years which i send to the foundation of the kids park there ] ...anyway..- the Lake [ ALIKI] can be OASIS of creation- BIG TOURIST ATRACTION and..make the..airport next.. the 1st Airport of this world with..tourist interested..... -- for now.. few flamingos visitors .- ==== THE PLACE GIVE ME INSPIRE FOR MANY PROJECTS COMPINE THE CAMARES- THE AIRPORT - THE THEATER - OF COURSE ALL NEED A CAFE AND THE THINK SPORT COURT -basketball court - to have FULL VISITORS ALL YEAR = all organized by WEBSITE/ ART SOCIL MEDIA ACT] ..================================================================================= by the 1st creaTive Tourist website - Tourism. though Sports/Art/Culture/History =NEW marketing ideas/project WITH 1/ ..ART services [social with photo/video] -2/ Sports service with the think sport court=Pioneer Basketball program with 4 parts= EDU/TOURIST/ANTI BULLYING/PRO SPORT GUIDANCE- . -For ANY place/park/hotel/village/island = like/share/follow/subscribe= GET IT = www.thinkfamilyvacation.com
#aliki #larnaca #flamingos #airport #park #thinklarnaca
#flamingo #lake #thinkLarnaca #larnaca
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