Larnaca will be very creaTive [ and very tourist ] if i find support for the think larnaca as..METROPOLIS of family tourism [ for now.. the chairs they say dont care, even THEY get some inspiration from my projects [ from the pioneer tourist campaign i send to them before 2 years ] - the renovation of the city garden, the cleaning of old gsz ,statues is from my project to make there the 1st public sport/tourist park in CYPRUS. [ZENON cENTER park ] - SUPPORT the 7 years research/study and.inform - willing to offer/work to any serious tourist company with my projects or the art social media [ follow the instagram to get the..ideas = think family vacation ] = LARNACA will forget ANY other crisis if discover the..creaTivity and..stop make almost any evens for..few friends... = SUPPPORT/like/share = @larnaca_city #larnaca #thinkLarnaca #thinkFamilyVacation - photo from the biennale days [ even the famous art event is for ...few people in larnaca..] - Larnaca WILL find the.. art of creaTivity..- if i find people with VISION.. [ THERE is man y pioneer ideas - for abandon parks /art events / HOW to make famous the Zenon of citium [ and the city ] - BUT need support . [ and small secret = larnaca have the most beautiful /family/ and safe beaches in all world but..without any tourist...exploit -YET. - .if i find support.. this will change..] - the end of economic crisis will come with creTivity... ============================================================================== = by Think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive tourist website =Projects/NEW marketing ideas/ART Services =social media = [photo/video]/ Sport services -with..think sport court -A basketball program for ANY age/family act = For ANY place/park/hotel act = #TOURISM #offer #family #hotel #basketball #travel #socialMedia #thinkfamilyvacation #sportsTourism = follow/share/like- be partner in tFv socials [ facebook/ instagram/youtube ] = think family vacation ===============================================================================
@larnaca_city #larnaca #larnaka #visitCyprus #thinkFamilyVacation
info- there is projects [pioneer marketing ideas] for the.. ABANDON from creativity , beach walk of this photo AND..the biennale.. - larnaca CAN find the creaTivity.. -SUPPORT - think larnaca