GO visit Larnacas Biennale - opening at 13 October - in Finikoudes beach- The ..museum with the BIG doors - which open whatever they want - and Sunday is close - GO visit to start underhand my..art of creaTion- what i want to offer to the city of the biggest philosopher - to get inspire from some of the artists ..- TIME for CreaTion PEOPLE - the chairs is afraid to accept my pioneer projects but as always hope i find the light.. - Larnaca can be METROPOLIS of family tourism [ everything is.. there..] but the chairs cant see it. - even they.. inspire from some of my ideas [ the renovation of city garden- the ..cleaning of old gsz - which from there i have SUPER projects - for..ALL and very profit for the city - they.. dont want ,even to answer to emails with the proposal from years of study/research . - the campaign with the projects called - think larnaca - by think family vacation= IF you want to support or to GET some of the projects - or the art social media - or the pioneer sports tourist project called think sport court - which can have full any park/ hotel..- just ASK after your like /follow = https://www.facebook.com/thinkLarnaka - follow= https://www.instagram.com/thinkfamilyvacation/ = willing to work /offer to ANY serious company /park act . -[ a ..secret- the photo cover of this biennale is from one of my pioneer project for finikoudes beach which i inspire from the old photo of finikoudes- BUT THEY DONT WANT EVEN TO LISTEN.....] ]
#THINKFAMILYVACATION #larnacaBiennale2021 #Biennale #BiennaleLarnaca
even for the Larnaca biennale i have project to be MORE MORE popular - THEY have small marketing .. a few know about this event in the city..- if they interesting ..