HOW i offer inspiration for the FREE PLASTIC and project CALYPSO in Ayia Triada beach in Paralimni - Ammochostos- CYPRUS = they get it from my pioneer idea to create there a think sport family beach with my sport tourist project and my art social media - think Ayia triada beach - the idea was to combine the small beautiful beach with the church and sport /art events for all year.. - but.. they dont even answer.. - just after a few time i see there the free plastic project - at least the CSTI retweet my posts about my vision and what i try to offer to many places about creaTive- sport- family tourism - hope sometime some chair with open mind and vision to accept my ideas and offer to his place MORE tourism and economy by..40%...= WILLING to work to ANY place/park/ beach/island.. - please follow the instagram / subscribe = to start .. understand what i can do.. = and.. inform there is projects for many areas in Ammochosto [ PARALIMNI- AYIA NAPA ] - if sometime decide to discover what is SPORTS TOURISM and have MORE tourism in.. WINTER... ============================================================================== = by Think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive tourist website =Projects on sports tourism combine the..history of each place .- and..NEW marketing ideas/ART Services =social media = [photo/video]/ Sport services -with..think sport court -A pioneer basketball program [ edu/tourist/anti bullying/pro sport guidance] - for ANY age/family act = For ANY place/park/hotel act = #TOURISM #offer #family #hotel #basketball #travel #socialMedia #thinkfamilyvacation #sportsTourism = follow/share/like- be partner in tFv socials [ facebook/ instagram/youtube ] = think family vacation ==============================================================================
#FREEpLASTIC #CALYPSO #thinkFamilyVacation ================================================================================ watch - SUPPORT the photo album of think AYIA TRIADA beach

================================================================================ the project i send to Paralimni = HOW i can transfer the small beach to OASIS of sports tourism...- they dont even answer... -VERY PITY for they..ECONOMY..

the correct link for the photo album of the ayia triada project
GET all the services and offers here = #OFFERS / #Business proposals/art #service / social media/ #marketing / NEW ideas/ pioneer sports tourism projects/ create eshop/blog/website - and OFFERS - #DISCOUNTS from the think eshops - and A pioneer #Basketball program = click= SUBSCRIBE= - #service #art #social media #fiver #marketing #GIFT #GIFTforHIM #GIFTforHER #GIFTforPARENTS #HOME