SUPER give away ..with.. future and..possibilities. - i decide to inform the winner of eurovision 2022 [ almost every year i find the winner - THIS year is..90% ] ONLY to those who support my pioneer tourist website with many projects on sports tourism - social media and the pioneer basketball program think sport court [ which can rise any place tourism ] - from years of research/study /work- WILLING to work/offer this projects and Services to ANY place/park/island/beach / hotel who WANT more tourism/ customers by 40% . = only rules to SUBSCRIBE the website - the youtube channel - follow the instagram/ facebbok/ tik tok [ think family vacation] == i ll inform by email any subscriber 2 weeks before the eurovision the winner . . thanks ============================================================================== also..inform when YOU subscribe and follow the tFv you ll see many pioneer ideas/ projects - which need support and partners - willing to co operate with anyone [ of curse i ll need some resume act - mine is online in my site ] ============================================================================== by Think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive tourist website =Projects/NEW marketing ideas/ART Services =social media = [photo/video]/ Sport services -with..think sport court -A basketball program for ANY age/family act = For ANY place/park/hotel act = #TOURISM #offer #family #hotel #basketball #travel #socialMedia #thinkfamilyvacation #sportsTourism =============================================================================== ESHOP - 1/ shopping from the biggest online companies 2/.Order original art from pioneer projects in any product 3/ GET a pioneer project on sport Tourism [ for ANY place/park/ island/ beach / museum act 4/ GET the art services [ photo/video] - and NEW marketing ideas for YOUR business 5/ GET the pioneer basketball program think sport court [ which can RISE any place/park/hotel tourist level ] = ALL in = - follow the instagram to ... choose ANY photo for YOUR t shirt/ hat/ cup/ phone . = == SUBSCRIBE the youtube channel - to discover of creaTion= =============================================================================
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