hello- i decide to say - WHO offer the vision to start discovery the big sport parks in Cyprus - my name is Zenon and.. its from my years of study on sports tourism - combine history/art - I Return in my Cyprus Because of the crisis in 2019 when i was ready to change the sea garden park in burgas [ i sell my house in athens to follow my vision about creative sports family tourism ] then i decide to offer my pioneer projects inside a tourist campaign - 1st i send to larnaca because i had - have many projects inspire from the zenon of citium - stoicism . - salina park is from my ..Zenon cEnter park - a pioneer project for a big sports family park around gsz zenon - i offer the project in a file to the vice meyor before 5 years. he wanted in in a file.. - after 2 months i call to ask what happened [ no answer for 2 months ] he say in a..angry voice.. NOT INTERESTED and he.. close the phone in my face ..] - in.. 2024.. THEY create SALINA park , exactly the same place..- hope you .. undertand . - this year i change all papho with my Paphos- city of Kings - by tFv - a pioneer tourist campaign combine the ancient history of papho. they all ready do 5 of my projects [ at least , them , they give me a number/ code for my campaign - official proposal ] but , even they know me.. i am still wait to.. work to some of my projects [ Apostle paul park, eoka park , the 1st tennis/ basket court in thr city park, the histoprical center and more.. = i write my story beacause i want to inform i can work to any company like yours , [ real estate- contactions or tourist comany ] for a ..very profit park to any place . - something they dont know, even they take the.. inspiration, i have also pioneer marketing behind of any of my project.. [ also i can organize / make event .art social media and a pioneer basketball program against bullying - Think sport court - if someone want to support my vision , please ask for my socials to follow . to.. feel my..art of.. creaTion... [ and.. if you visit Burgas and sea garden park.. NOW you now who change the symbol of the city [ the iron sea bird on navys hand ] and the tennis wall next to the old tennis academy..- i have many other projects for this BIG park.. [ looking for partners - i can say many businees proposals - i live there 2 years - the park have big tourist future - follow = Sea Garden by Z ]

please visit the album of the zenon cEnter https://ibb.co/album/J5MyhK
GET - 1/ pioneer DESIGNS in many product from the think eshops -2/ OFFERS from the BIGGEST shops online [ amazon/temu ACT - 3 / BUSINESS proposals/projects on sports Tourism - 4/ art SERVICE [marketing/new ideas/photo/social media ] for ANY business [ fiverr] - 5/ PIONEER basketball program = FOR ANY place/ PARK/ HOTEL / BEACH /ISLAND /VILLAGE/ ECO PARK/CAMPING ACT = SUBSCRIBE= https://linktr.ee/thinkfamilyvacation #OFFERS #ESHOP #basketballLessons #business #SPORTStourism = WANT TO SEE MY WORK ? JUST VISIT PAPHO- CYPRUS - all city change from my PIONEER tourist campaign with projects on sports Toyrism combine history = @paphoscityofkings - SAME AND BETTER FOR ANY OTHER PLACE.
GET a piece of the pioneer sports tourism projects combine the history - the think sport court is always the..center of any idea.. = designs on many art products - please follow/support the years of study or get the art service / the marketing or the Basketball program - for ANY park/beach/island/hotel. https://www.redbubble.com/people/thinkeshop7 #eshop #travel #get #offers #GIFT #GIFTforHIM #GIFTforFRIENDS #CHRISTMASgiftIDEA