SUPPER OFFERS FROM PUBLIC - για δικαιούχους ψηφιακής μέριμνας ========================================================================= GET the OFFERS/DISCOUNTS OR the ..SERVICES from tFv = 1/ ART SOCIAL MEDIA [photo/video] - 2/ NEW marketing ideas - 3/ the pioneer Basketball program called think sport court - With 4 parts= A/EDU [ personality- character- critical thinking ] = B/ TOURIST - the places/park/hotel who have this..court will get DOUBLE tourism/customers - C/ ANTI Bullying -[ strong tool to express the kids - to..start talk..] = D/ PRO BASKETBALL GUIDANCE - program for any player - any age - pro or not.. advises / pioneer exercises/ evaluate .. -from GM/SCOUT BASKETBALL by SMWW . ========================================================================= CLICK- SUPPORT - GET = ========================================================================= by think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive Tourist website - Tourism. though Sports/Art/Culture/History =NEW marketing ideas/project WITH 1/ ..ART services [social media with photo/video] -2/ Sports service with the think sport court=Pioneer Basketball program with 4 parts= EDU/TOURIST/ANTI BULLYING/PRO SPORT GUIDANCE- . -For ANY place/park/hotel/village/island = like/share/follow/subscribe= GET IT ==========================================================================
#SUPEROFFERS #PUBLIC #GREECE #thinkfamilyvacation #ψηφιακηΜεριμνα