Hello- this is A pioneer tourist campaign with some ..PiONeer projects for Ayia Napa - Cyprus . - from www.thinkfamilyvacation.com - the 1st creative Tourist website - i believe..that..ICARUS can..FLY...with..NEW ideas/creativity/sports park - just to have the change to OFFER/work with people who have VISION . Ayia Napa can be..think Ayia Napa - = can be..FAMILY tourist and for locals..city - with...SPORTS [ think sport court ]- ART. [play .photo videos ] - NEW marketing ideas as the..Icarus Festival - social media - and many more..... ==============================================================================
=============================================================================== 1/ THALASSA museum - OFFER to transfer the museum to..CREATIVE museum- to the CENTER of the think Ayia Napa = WHAT I OFFER TO MUSEUM= 1/ connect/advertising YOUR museum to the think family vacation website
2/ create NEW website for the museum with..art 3/ social media - 4/ affiliate advertising - 5/ art photos /for promote in photo sites - 6/video art/presentation 7/ the think sport court - A pioneer basketball program for ALL family, all ages and guidance for..player from 5y until ..35y.. - also.. organize sport events/.party s act - [ for the area ..behind the icarus ] - of course wth the court- i offer my work my lessons for any age/family/tourists/local s - A pioneer sports/tourism project https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/thinksportcourt 8/ pioneer art/sport projects for ALL family - 9/ new ideas - promote the art in the small theater 10/ eshop creating with the art photos - promote the museum [ as my eshop in tfv ] https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/eshop-art-in-products
=============================================================================== 2/ Icarus sport park - or..ICARUS sea walk - the idea ? to create behind the Icarus A sports park - to show HOW Icarus can FLY with creativity/sport spirit ..spirit which very few know in Cyprus- THERE IS NO FREE SPORTS PARK IN ALL CYPRUS - no..sport spirit - THE sport park can easy connect to the walk beach road [ with sport park i mean basketball/tennis courts ] with the new program from eot easy can find the money . - profit s for the city from advertise tourist companies/sports companies act - of course if you have public plots behind icarus statue . == Icarus Sea Walk is a marketing along the walk road of the beach- from the begin to the end..- with interactive projects/ promote the Ayia Napa as FAMILY/CREATIVE/SPORT city .. = if you accept we can work this with team from tourist/manager students- to work it as..practice .. UNDER the umbrella of the city of course.. -ICARUS can GIVE big MARKETING ideas..
============================================================================== 3/ think Sport park - of Ayia Napa = the idea is to..organize/create the ..abandon many ..football courts to.. sport park for..ALL... all year.. NOT only for the football tournament every year. - of course, must find money to create basketball / tennis court to.. work my think sport court - THAT abandon place can TRANSFER to the...REASON that you ll have DOUBLE tourist..FAMILY tourism - it is a pioneer sports /tourism project - WILLING to FULL work for this [ .its not near the beach but i have many ideas for this... ] - if some of the water park companies want to help.. - i can organize/ make basketball lessons - create social media- art photo/video presentation- FULL marketing - connect with the tFv website , find offers from hotels and many more.. - of course to ad the football in the think Ayia Napa sport park .- i have many ideas HOW you can have profits.. besides the full hotels.. - its pity such big plot to be EMPTY... - this place can SHOW how spots tourism can save many areas ...
===============================================================================4/ ARTIFICIAL mystery Spot By tFv - there is pioneer idea which will give.MYSTERY to this place and BRING a lots of..TOURISTS ..and.. it is near to pernera beach- [ other project ] - i can combine this projects. - i cant tell the PIONEER idea here because the forum is public- only with email if you answer .
=============================================================================== 5/ Pernera Sport beach - the .. idea is to transfer the pernera rock.. beach to..sport beach [ there is abandon 2 courts - basketball by galypso hotel and tennis by electra hotel ] - i believe this is INGREDIBLE idea .also there is the cat station , which can help to marketing... = also.. for the road to pernera beach we can organize sport festival every year with sports sponsors/shops from the city. = ALSO..willing to work/offer to any of thi 2 courts from...NOW..to show to the close hotels the BENEFITS of sports/tourism and when ll open to bring many customers for they hotels [ if you know the owners of this 2 hotels ] or.. just take the.. licence to work from NOW the think sport court FOR the city .. and to ADVERTISE they..close hotels for the future. =besides the basketball lessons i ll create special web page for the think Pernera Sport Beach - and of course i ll ad the artificial reefs there.. and the walk beach road. ALL CONNECT S YOU CAN...SEE .
this is the court of the galypso hotel
==============================================================================6 6/ Nelia Family beach - the idea is to organize/marketing the nelia beach [ of course if the shops there support] as..the FAMILY beach..with..sand inside/outside the beach [ i dont swim there but i think is also shallow ] - i like nelia because it is near to the center of the city and have sand.. very important because there is only rock beach's in Ayia Napa. - the families LOOKING or safe beach for the kids - of course ,if the hotel ON this beach, i can offer/work with them my think sport court .
==============================================================================7/7/ HOTEL PROPOSAL-
of course i can OFFER/WORK MY think sport court to ANY hotel with sports - as i see many it is ABANDON - the owners DONT know what can do with them = if you can help to send them my proposal...= https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/proposal
===============================================================================8/ WHAT IS THINK SPORT COURT = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/thinksportcourt - A pioneer basketball program with 4 parts= TOURISM/ART/ANTI BULLYING/PRO SPORT GUIDANCE for ANY age/family/locals/players AND..place/park/hotel /beach act
============================================================================== 9/ ICARUS playground project by tFv = the idea is to be more CREATIVITY the big playground behind the..ICARUS = very..CREATIVITY and PROFIT for the municipality -ALSO.. to create there the 1st Baby basket -[ a pioneer project ] -THIS..will love it EVERY baby and parent . - of course the playground will name = Icarus playground ...= just a..idea for the big and..empty playground.

==============================================================================110/ BABY basket by tFv- A pioneer project for ANY playgrounds /park act[read/follow- https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/forum/play-5/baby-basket-by-tfv #baby #family #playground #offer #basketball
==============================================================================111/ SCALPTURE park - project by tFV .. === i have many IDEAS how this beautiful place can be MORE MORE creative and TOURIST . - also.. i can work as social media/photo/video ART/ organizer / create website AND..more...[ also.. there is a sport IDEA - if there is.. space ] - we ll create A PIONEER art/sport park THE 1st in this..world.. = many ideas if i have the change to..CREATE.. [ wit pity i discover before 3 years..this place dont have BIG publicity ..] =THIS PLACE MUST HAVE BIG PUBLICITY AND CREATIVITY... [ if you say YES..i have also.. a...catchy name for the place.-thi..s only in private ]
SUBSCRIBE = https://youtu.be/g9fNgol2Ds8 ==============================================================================112 / MONASTERY of Panayia = in..waiting of the renovation.. i have many pioneer ideas of marketing of Monastery..AND..show can be very CREATIVE .. - of course with..art.. -ALSO..besides, in next to the church there is old court that use as..parking as i see.. - we can create there the think sport court and.. COMBINE the church tourism with sports/ art/ history - it i pity the fact they dont think of this in this reach church ...- also.. we can create basketball academy with name Panayia Basketball academy with locals and.. tourist teams every year.. - many ideas for this..PARKING... -[ if you accept , i want permission from now to photo the monastery ] - thanks -[ i thought to speak with the church but i think not good idea.. - who i am to tell them about they...PARKING ? ] - for sure its better to speak the municipality with the church .

============================================================================== 13 / think Sea Bridge = of course i have many ideas for this pioneer sea bridge [ bravo to creators ] . - i call it think Sea Bridge ..AND the main idea is very CREATIVE..-beyond any mind bridge....

LIKE/SHARE the social in page campaign AND inform , i am willing to OFFER/work to any company/hotel act in Ayia Napa [ PIONEER promote/ marketing ideas/ photo/video presentation/ social - AND the think sport court - A basketball program which can DOUBLE any hotels/park , tourist level == https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/think-ayia-napa