A business proposal for anyone who have plot near to a beach to ANY country - A pioneer park based on sports tourism from years of research/study - BIG profits = also is for hotels with..ABANDON courts [ like these many hotels in Cyprus and Greece ] - for parks around the world..who want more visitors by 40% - for places/ islands/villages who want more Tourism by 40% - for real estates companies with.. gate group apartments who want full they rents all year = willing to work/offer the project- the pioneer basketball court - program WITH a new marketing ideas [ how can be profit besides the basketball lessons ] AND.. the art social media . = just ask the email to take the full proposal . [ i ll speak only with serious people/ companies - with full info - my info is in my website - resume = thinkfamilyvacation.com = for begin - to start feel my..art of creaTion just follow the instagram of tfv = https://www.instagram.com/thinkfamilyvacation/ - and.. subscribe to the most create youtube channel [ all video is for pioneer project ] = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC51NBKL8YzYzTqc99JYRP5g ============================================================================== by Think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive tourist website =Projects/NEW marketing ideas/ART Services =social media = [photo/video]/ Sport services -with..think sport court -A basketball program for ANY age/family act = For ANY place/park/hotel act = https://shoutout.wix.com/so/83NV98fVH?languageTag=en. #offer #family #hotel #basketball #travel #socialMedia #sportsTourism ==============================================================================
#thinkSportCourt #thinkFamilyVacation #proposal #realEstate #park #tourism #wantedPartnersWhoHavePlotNearBeach