A pioneer idea/project from tFv and the magikdo- system . what is the main idea ? the.. connection of the shops of a shopping road in..live and VIRTUAL format .also...the create of the pioneer park/ basketball court called think sport court - A edu/tourist/anti bullying/pro sport guidance for..ANY age- all family ..basketball court . https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/thinksportcourt === the connection of course NEED the support of all shops in same road - the advertise will be for ALL . - the..idea the shopping road to be ..LIVE..road ..with.. festivals, discount week act . = ALL organize by a team which members will be from the shops of course. - THIS is a project called think shopping Road by tFv = THE..exactly project called think Timagia street by tFv - in the name of the famous Indian general of 57 in Cyprus http://www.mentality10.com/matrix-1984-category/kypros-category/item/2601-poios-itan-o-perifimos-stratigos-timayia ==== ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ = ελπίζω να βοηθήσει και η πρεσβεία της Ινδίας για το.. .. Timagia day [ 1 day in the memory of the Indian general ]
SUBSCRIBE = https://youtu.be/J9jAcSoJODI - the book = https://books.google.com.cy/books/about/Thimayya_of_India.html?id=itI9AAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y https://openlibrary.org/books/OL5795500M/Thimayya_of_India