A proposal to Derynia city [ last city before the occupation area] - to make A..park FULL of symbolism , but also to inform the world for the turkish occupation . A sport park [ with the pioneer program- think sport court] - with art creativity , events and many more....- Willing to work/offer - if i find people with VISION . - notice.. THIS will be the 1st FREE PUBLIC sport park in ALL Cyprus..- there is no something like this... [ pity but,, i find many people in Cyprus.. think the sports is..business only..] - IF they accept my proposal , i ll show HOW can have PUBLIC sport park but also VERY profit..for..ALL.... = support/like/share/ follow the instagram [ think family vacation]- SUBSCRIBE the youtube channel to start feel the art of..creation. = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC51NBKL8YzYzTqc99JYRP5g ============================================================================== by think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive Tourist website - Tourism. though Sports/Art/Culture/History =NEW marketing ideas/project WITH 1/ ..ART services [social media with photo/video] -2/ Sports service with the think sport court=Pioneer Basketball program with 4 parts= EDU/TOURIST/ANTI BULLYING/PRO SPORT GUIDANCE- . -For ANY place/park/hotel/village/island = like/share/follow/subscribe= GET IT = www.thinkfamilyvacation.com ==============================================================================
#thinkSportCourt #thinkFamilyVacation #Derynia #park #freedom #freeCyprus
20 JULY - THE turkish invasion in Cyprus AND my pioneer project for park AND to KNOW ALL the WORLD ..- READ/SUBSCRIBE- SUPPORT- GET = https://tinyurl.com/4pyvt846 #CyprusInvasion
SAME and bigger projrct- park can create in the ABANDON..tasos markou park [ in paralini] .. near the.. NEW bike road [ which connect all cities of Ammochosto] and the lake with the flamingos - IF you accept my Project ..AMMOCHOSTOS will not see other economic crisis...-if i find people with open mind/ creative mind - VISION..and little sport spirit..[ there is NO sport spirit in Cyprus ] == THE LINK to read the project= https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/forum/projects-play-5/think-tassos-markou-park-by-tfv
think sport court by tFv - A pioneer Basketball program by GM/SCOUT basketball with 4 parts= TOURIST/EDU/ART/Anti BULLYING/PRO SPORT GUIDANCE - A program [ and the art social media] which can..DOUBLE the.customers of ANY park/beach/hotel and Tourism of ANY village/island act-ASK after your like in the page = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/thinksportcourt #hotel #basketball #family #tourism #education #antibullying #guidance #island #village #lessons #offer
and all with..art social media = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/forum/proposal-by-tfv/art-services-from-tfv-zenon