A pioneer idea from thinkfamilyvacation.com -- The idea is the organize the new park of Paphos - park of colors - without MARKETING this park will be.. ghost park [ it is behind the papantoniou super market] in strange place - without view from road.. - it is the biggest park in the country who..dont know WHAT is park- FREE sports - SPORT spirit- SPORT life - THIS park can change a lot ...- also.. with marketing can help in sports tourism - and Paphos change from....old s people town to .....Family- sport- tourist city - and of course the economy of the city .-- only rule to offer/work to this project [ and i ll work 24 hour every day for this..] is to have the basketball court for 3 hours every day ..to make academy- lessons with my pioneer basketball program- think sport court - a program with 4 parts= EDU/ANTI BULLYING/TOURIST/ PRO SPORT GUIDANCE - for any age/group /teams act = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/thinksportcourt == there is many ideas for the park have it FULL all year with locals/ tourists =============================================================================== [ DETAILS of the idea of marketing can say only to the authorities - [ after they sign my copyright paper ] - it is from 1 year study/research == willing to work as outside tourist adviser or with volunteer marketing team [ students ] or with team from the city = == SUPPORT or GET [same and better projects on sports tourism/NEW marketing ideas / art social media [photo/video] - WEBSITE / instagram act / the pioneer basketball program think sport court - with 4 parts = [ tourist/anti bullying/edu/pro sport guidance ] can work to ANY other place who WANT more tourism by 40% ] - like/share the socials of = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/paphos-city-of-kings === #ParkOfColors #paphos #PaphosCityOfKings #thinkFamilyVacation =================================================================================== by Think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive tourist website =Projects on sports tourism/NEW marketing ideas/ART Services =social media = [photo/video]/ Sport services -with..think sport court -A pioneer basketball program [ edu/tourist/anti bullying/pro sport guidance] - for ANY age/family act = For ANY place/park/hotel act = https://shoutout.wix.com/so/83NV98fVH?languageTag=en. #TOURISM #offer #family #hotel #basketball #travel #socialMedia #thinkfamilyvacation #sportsTourism = follow/share/like- be partner in tFv socials [ facebook/ instagram/youtube ] = think family vacation ====================================================================================================== =

#ParkOfColors #paphos #PaphosCityOfKings #thinkFamilyVacation =============================================================================== like/share-GET the album https://www.park-of-colors.thinkfamilyvacation.com/

about the ..cement in the basketball court = the photo is from the new park of millions called park of colors in Paphos - WHAT the.. strange and SIGN what they think about the SMART TEAM SPORT - BASKETBALL = they make the basketball court with...cement and... above red paint . in a a park which can be the 1st public park in Cyprus ..which ..with the right marketing/ and others can be the biggest park in Cyprus... - they paint the ..basketball court ..[ inform the.. company who make this- my friends - in all basketball courts in this world.. the courts creating with special plastic floor - ΝΟΤ CEMENT - cement is in they brains who knows only about.. souvla/ video games and lot of....ΜΑΠΠΠΠΠΠΠΠΠΑ. - BASKETBALL is the smart team sport who create people with CRITICAL THINKING- PERSONALITY- CHARACTER ...- you dont believe? just watch 1 basketball game - if you are slow mind you cant play basketball- only the sport for slow people - football - the sport of bullying who want and create ONLY customers.. - this park is the opportunity .. to show to all in Cyprus.. that there is FREE PUBLIC sport parks and can be very profit [ not only in economics ] - if they accept to work for this...- otherwise this park will be a..perfect nests of... delusion [ the plot is in strange place ] but even for this i have a way to make famous.... - to find ALL - locals/ tourists THE,.PARK OF COLORS... - with..creativity/ sports/ marketing / and lots of more new ideas..- the café will be full all year... - want to support the Pioneer tourist campaign [ proposal] to paphos - a 1 year study/research in..expensive papho..] ? - like the social there = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/paphos-city-of-kings @paphos #paphos#thinkPaphos#paphosCityOFkings#thinkFamilyVacation