You dont have to..undertand Italian to..undertand what he say = because t is difficult times nd many parents le the kids to play video games without limits. THAT want the system- DONT LET THEM THE COTROL = video game with limits - COMUNICATE with your kids, play games - talk - make goals - DREAMS = let them to create REAL heroes.. - to have CRITICAL THINKING.. = DISCOVER BASKETBALL - the smart TEAM sport = Βy = GET the think sport court in YOUR place/ park/beach/ hotel/village/ island = A 4 parts basketball court by GM/SCOUT basketball = EDU/TOURIST/ANTI BULLYING/PRO SPORT GUIDANCE for any age, players/families/ locals/tourists = = like/follow/ GET =======- THANKS MARCO
#MarcoMengoni #heroes #videogames #Guerriero #thinksportcourt