watch HOW i push people to start find the bones of the biggest - small hero of Cyprus - Dimitraki Dimitriadi ..- mr Hristakis was best friend of dimitrakis - his father have shop in the same place who killed the boy - the shop standing until now = i met him to say his opinion about the story = from my 7 years study /work and writing a movie script [ the script is in the biggest usa studios] - THE SCENE is when i told mr Hristaki there is no grave with the boy - his name in the cemetery - only the grave with his family - then.. start to make phone to the priest of the cemetery of ag .georgios.. - all start.. after 66 years.... ================================================================

the youtube/ website- support - because there is many pioneer projects and..something BIG about the little hero.. - Dimitrakis was the 7y boy who killed from English soldier at 1956 in Larnaca - from then until now.. very few knows his story.. my goal ALL WORLD to find his story.. [ because he want to say many tings...] = in 2022 THEY discover his bones - the make proper GRAVE with his name and a flag - after 66 years.. - but for me this only the begin..- [ they dont say anything to me but i dont care..= inform= i have many ideas who involved and tourism - if i find support. .================================================================== by = WANT more tourism /customers by 30% ? - pioneer sports tourist projects/ art service [ photo/video ] for YOUR BUSINESS/ place/park/ hotel/beach/island... = Subscribe ==== also.. GET super /offer/ discounts and more at = = #tickets#room#transport#food#visit#activity#shops#festivals and..MORE.. = SUBSCRIBE