think Ayia Napa- A Tourist campaign With pioneer projects with ...Sports/art/culture/history by tFv = #like #follow #support #offertoWork - this is the replica of famous ship of Kerynia - i BELIEVE with marketing can.. bring back the REAL ship of Kerynia - if i find SUPPORT - people with VISION and to know what is MARKETING.. -[ i try to offer my pioneer ideas and marketing and make VERY famous the THALASSA museum in Ayia napa..] - inform- same and better ideas for ANY other museum.... ================================================================================ by Think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive tourist website =Projects on sports tourism combine the..history of each place .- and..NEW marketing ideas/ART Services =social media = [photo/video]/ Sport services with..think sport court -A pioneer basketball program [ edu/tourist/anti bullying/pro sport guidance] - for ANY age/family act = For ANY place/park/hotel act = #TOURISM #offer #family #hotel #basketball #travel #socialMedia #thinkfamilyvacation #sportsTourism = follow/share/like be partner in tFv socials [ facebook/ instagram/youtube ] = think family vacation =====================================================================
VISIT the photo album of THALASSA museum @thalassaMuseum #Thalassa #museum ============================================================================