Hello . this is my resume - my story- my vision = for everyone who trying to understand how the the problems can make only more stronger a person with creaTive mid - positive thinking- vision. ===================================================================== Born in Cyprus, just before the war, in my misery i found something to be good, that made me feel good, to become something. Basketball. - At 7 i was the only one in Limassol who practice with passion and power because I . find the …VICTORY-- At 10 i was best player in Athens team. at 15..they put bets who win me .. - at 15 i m steel best player...but my dreams began to fade when i discovered the...package who you must have to become professional player. i have only the passion , seriously ... not.. high , public relation , money [ i live in reach city]because of all that and one accident .. i decided to stop. i finished the high school with umpteen difficulties. no one help me to study for my second big love. Psychology- I do several jobs to raise money for my studies. after 3 years i enrolled in private college [ XINI COLLEGE ] http://www.xinis.edu.gr/ for child -psychology . i learn many serious things about human mind and behaviour . I have great teachers from USA and Europe... but i don t finished the last 3rd year because I didn’ t have enough money... –I.. struggle for living but ..ALWAYS in my back of my mind was ..basketball. I learn that the Cyprian government give economic help for the students in Greece and start to read for the final exams , the exams for enter university .-- I done it ,working in parallel as delivery . I have success in world history and i enter in Piraeus university - Spetses [ tourist administration]- Anargirious school- http://www.spetsesschool.gr/ - -- I don t study because my folks ..forget to send one official paper from Cyprus...and of course i never take the money ....- never mind.. at least i prove to all my....dear folks and relatives that i. .could study also like ....they ..This is not easy to give exam at 34 with 18y kids. .but i do it and pass in 3th place from all over Cyprus. i continue to struggle with road jobs .Then i discovered that i dial with my love from another post. from the general manager/scouting . i discovered the school www.smww.com and take the lessons giving all my saving money. but now i have certificate. General manager is the person who evaluate players and coaches in teams ].i find my destiny and follow my dream...i have one idea who about to change everything about find-create- promote young basketball players....because all my life is basketball .the. .orange ..magic ball ..as i learned in smww is a very profitable business not only for the owners but and for the client - children . sports can provide something that nobody else give.. the HOPE the new hope...with my idea... – MY hope is to find people with the same vision and passion and give the hope to others….- I believe that the sports CAN help the kids around the world to fight the poor, ,misery, the temptations of our times [ internet, social media, video-games] . I believe that the REAL play station IS real LIFE…. To THINK….. To CREATE……… To….WORK…….To…… HOPE…. – I believe in one shadow…..who take one little flame.. it become……. A bright LIGHT….. – that is my 8 y research called MAGIKDO-SYSTEM . SHADOW…..BE…..MY…LIGHT…….

===================================================================== MAGIKDO SYSTEM = ...The whole process, exercises , study ιn smww... brought ... inspiration . The birth of magikdo-system. = . It is a pioneer sports Guidance AND..beyond.. sport .. GUIDANCE. - How can we intervene in our destiny, IN our heavy shadow.. finding the..CREATION through sports [basketball and other sports]] and mentor - guide the .. MAGI [K] shadow called .. magikdo. [Animation- character]. = Based on my loves and my studies (child - Psychology - Xini college, Gm / scout basketball by smww, tourism management, [From the Aegean University) and. .Inspired by the theory of Carl Jung on unbearable shadow i .. created a magical shadow who.. .. can change the destiny of every human through projects, in to the field of sport, the arts, education, entrepreneurship, inspiration . TARGET = magikdo shadow of the success, the creation .. the achievement of each goal -the Team who will CREATE - PERFORM - find INVESTORS called "CREATIO" BIGAS = PROJECTS onto the field of a / sport [as .. how basketball can create thinking children, children with critical thinking ] b / arts, [2 film scripts, five television project etc.] c / education [the solution on Bullying ] d / enterprise [think fun court / park] e / inspiration [city are the create thinking act] = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/www-magikdo-info

================================================================== WHAT is think sport court think sport court / park - [this is a pioneer court with basket / tennis for everyone. a project that combined my basketball program AND develops the basket as a tool 1 / FUN, [with assessment / training exercises] as 2 / EDUCATIONAL tool [developing mental / physical - character / personality, critical thinking] as 3 / anti- bullying tool [confident, creation, goals] to 4 / TOURIST tool - [creative / sporting pastime of "tourists"] - today, smart tourist looks for .. creative / athletic involvement in education and the same and does not stay in the bar / pool / souvlaki ... = as. 5 / .BUSINESS tool for business streets, [increasing customer rate] because .. .. kids will ask to visit the park and parents will shop .. ..- as 6 / .. PROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL GUIDANCE for those who want to follow professional roads .. [exercises program winter / summer kt] - FULL guidance. = This system has two levels - the 1 / EDUCATIONAL tool and to..PRO level - I'm willing to give for FREE the EDU level because i believe that it will help many children .. escape from. . daily BULLYING .. --- This is a research / study of many years of work life, and it i s a part of the magikdo system [HOW .. we can change our destiny finding the..creation..through sports and..guidance the. .magi [k] shadow .. - like/support/participate -GET= https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/thinksportcourt

================================================================== THINK FAMILY VACATION = after study / research / work I came to the pioneer Tourism / Sports / Family Project / Campaign .. which is APPLIED in any area / park / hotel, etc. named = think Family VacatiON. [is the combination of think sport court = [basketball with 4 parts = edu / anti bullying / tourist / sport guide from 5y to..35y] AND .. THAT .. looking every smart family man at this time .. of speed and .. lost family moments. Holidays with .. creativity / sport / culture / - COLLECTION of golden family moments. = .. I am willing to .. work / offer this campaign which is able to .. increase TOURISM by 30% in each area with people with .. vision as well as to work with travel agencies / websites. - THE THINK FAMILY VACATION is the 1st creaTive tourist website = visit/ subscribe/get projects/art service and lot more = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/ = ask for the pdf https://www.slideshare.net/thinkFv/think-family-vacation-official-presentation

the official presentation of tFv
===================================================================== CERTIFICATE of GM/SCOUT basketball by smww = sports manager world wide https://www.sportsmanagementworldwide.com/

===================================================================== certification_of_ 2 years study - child_psychology_-by_xini_college https://iek-xini.com/

=====================================================================certification_of_Aegean_Tourist_studies -UNIVERSITY of Peireas = https://akss.gr/main/

============================================================== = SERVICE BY think Family vacation= https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/post/service-by-tfv
WANT more customers/ tourism/ visitors for YOUR business/ park/ hotel / beach ? ASK for the service by the 1st creaTive tourist website = pioneer projects/ideas on sports tourism with..ART social media [ photo- video] and.... MORE....= https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/services ====================================================================== 1/ connect/advertising YOUR business/ hotel act , to the think family vacation website - TO 2 pages - TO do https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/todo and THE ESHOP page of each places i have study/research as = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/think-shopping-paphos
2/ create NEW website for your hotel with..art 3/ social media [ instagram/ facebbok- youtube act as my channel - https://www.youtube.com/@thinkfamilyvacation/videos 4/ affiliate advertising [ like my page = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/shopping - 5/ Art photos /for promote your BUSINESS/ park/ hotel / beach act = visit my photo page = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/photo 6/video art - my video page = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/video 7/ the think sport court [ if there is sport court in the park/ hotel act ] - a pioneer basketball program for ALL family, all ages and guidance for..player from 5y until ..35y.. - also.. organize sport events/. sports Kids party act - https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/thinksportcourt A edu/tourist/anti bulling / pro sport guidance for any age/group act 8/ pioneer art/sport projects for ALL family - 9/ book online - with..many creating reasons to come and..come YOUR customers. 10/ book a room - book a room in the tFv -[ small percent for the tFv- the rest for our hotel] ============================================================================== #services @art #socialMedia #marketing #tourism ======================================================================= FOR shops/ restaurants act = 1/ Commission of 15% for every book table from tFv - 2/ 40 e per month for full promote [ART social media ] in the eshops pages of tFv = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/todo and the special shop page of every place i have study/ research [ Burgas/ larnaca/ paphos/ Ammochostos /Aegina ] = as.. https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/think-shopping-paphos - also. there is possibility for further cooperation with pioneer marketing ideas about your shop and how can be more profitable.. .. ====================================================================== please = FOLLOW/ like/share =SUBSCRIBE the pioneer website to start feel what i can offer to ANY place/ business / hotel act = thinkfamilyvacation.com - THANKS ============================================================= SERVICES by https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/services YOUTUBE = https://www.youtube.com/@thinkfamilyvacation/videos INSTAGRAM = https://www.instagram.com/thinkfamilyvacation/ ======================================================================= by thinkfamilyvacation.com the 1st creaTive family Tourist website = GET service/ offer/ discounts and more at = TO DO page = #tickets #room #transport #food #visit #activity #shops #festivals and..MORE.. as PIONEER sport Tourist projects and.... Basketball lessons for any age ,group / art social media/NEW marketing for ANY BUSINESS/ place/park/ hotel/beach who WANT more tourism /customers by 30%. - SUBSCRIBE = thinkfamilyvacation.com =====================================================================HOW I OFFER INSPIRATION for MANY PROJECTS = READ THE BLOG ARTICLES https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/blog/categories/how-i-offer-inspiration
t=====================================================================Paphos, city of kings = A pioneer tourist campaign/ proposal to papho city- Cyprus by the tFv - a 2 years .study /research combine the sports tourism / new ideas / marketing with the ancient history. they dont answer yet but.. they take the. inspiration and start make some of my ideas.. ] the courts in the city park- the 1st and only pubic courts in Cyprus , basket and tennis, the park next to apostle Paul, the park UNDER the light house of papho... - some of my ideas.//= you can wath it here = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/post/paphos-city-of-kings-by-tfv === in a few time you llsee many of this ideas to make it happen in papho- Cyprus transfer this.. big ancient rock to the most creative tourist family city in Europe. = but.. i have can work to ANY other city = just to get inspirion from the place .. for creative things ...and big profis .. = 1st subscribe the site- after ask.- willing to work to any place who at least have chairs with..vision to..undertand me.. and not just take inspiration from my ideas/ work of my life.