How i offer inspiration of the renovation of the city garden of larnaca? by.. send to the foundation of the kids park there ,IN THE PArk , my..idea for sports tourist park [ it was the 1st piece of my think Zenon park ] - to make a public park from the saint lazarus to the theater and library - combine sports tourism with art / culture . i send this pioneer idea at 2018 - i cam back in Cyprus at 2019 - i find.. for my.. surprise.. THEY listen to my idea - they make the..RENOVATION.. - OF course without say anything to me - THEY . install also..a caffe.. with small theater.. but.. of course without my.. art service / NEW marketing ideas and..more... - very pity for the area..and tourism / economy of Larnaca . - anyway.. i still believe to the project , hope sometime i find people with VISION.... #larnaca #cityGarden #park ===================================================================== by = WANT more tourism /customers by 30% ? - SAME and better projects/service for YOUR BUSINESS/ place/park/ hotel/beach/island = Subscribe the 1st creaTive family Tourist website = also.. GET service/offer/ discounts and more at = TO DO page = #tickets #room #transport #food #visit #activity #shops #festivals and..MORE.. as PIONEER sport Tourist projects and.... Basketball lessons for any age ,group / art social media/NEW marketing - all the service by tFv= ======================================================================
