How i offer the idea to create the 1st PUBLIC sport spot in all Burgas ? - finding the .. dirty wall besides the old tennis academy in the sea garden park... - a abandon big wall .. which almost thinking to exploit playing tennis on ..even the... difficulty. the wall is one of the most beautiful spot in the park... - i start think there .. if i find support to offer/work my think sport court [ pioneer basketball program = ] - the.. fate.. speak..and 1 day i meet a man in a bench besides the wall.. and start talking about the.. ABANDON wall . what happened ? after 3 months.. i see a group of workers to start clean the area and make it the place as NEW...- of course.. the man i speak .. say something to authorities of Burgas . and the.. #Rotary club of #Burgas -as i see from the sign they ad in the door place..after.. - THEY dont say anything to me [ obviously the man .. take the idea for his own but never mind..- this project give me strength to... continue ... HAVE pioneer ideas/ vision - also the director of #intersport Burgas- which with tears say THANKS to me [ because he..understand..] - he was the only man i meet the 1st day i play tennis on the dirty wall..- before the idea - if someday want to create something bigger - or to make the think sport court , there.. i ll say YES [ i love this place] - i have also idea how to connect the place with the lake / sea - and organize the ..60..s..tenis academy ,and the sculpture park.. next.... - if they want MORE visitors/ tourism by..40% more... == IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT- BE PARTNER -like/follow = - ALSO willing to work with intersport and burgas to transfer the park to the BIGGEST family/sport PARK IN Europe - and ....BURGAS FORGET ANY OTHER ECONOMIC CRISIS.... - #burgas #sseaGardenPark #tennis #tourism =====================================================================by = WANT more tourism /customers by 30% ? - SAME and better projects/service for YOUR BUSINESS/ place/park/ hotel/beach/island = Subscribe the 1st creaTive family Tourist website = also.. GET service/offer/ discounts and more at = TO DO page = #tickets #room #transport #food #visit #activity #shops #festivals and..MORE.. as PIONEER sport Tourist projects and.... Basketball lessons for any age ,group / art social media/NEW marketing - all the service by tFv= =====================================================================

visit the photo album of the project
