a pioneer story book [ and t shirts act ] from the founder of the 1st creaTive Tourist website - thinkfamilyvacation.com = Gabriel is a boy who discover that can fight his bullying with basketball and after start a movement / tournament with title - dont worry [ the book is from years of study from gm/scout nba HOW basketball can help the kids to create personality / character/ critical thinking - to start SPEAK - express yourself - to speak about bullying.. = the Gabriel Project is the 1st ebook - amazon = there is another story which wait for the green light from USA studios to became movie .. - SUPPORT the 1st book - subscribe the site because many surprises are ..coming...[ and of course if someone have court/ hotel court or park or academy and want the program- dont worry .. just ask - with happy to work to ANY place.. -BASKETBALL is more than a game - special this days who all system want the kids.. naïve people.. to seat - to watch - to not thinking - to not have goals - dreams = only to..buy.... #nba #basketball #antiBullying #amazon #ebook #GabrielsProject #dontWorry ===================================================================== all art work is original from Zenon [ design/ story - t shirts ..] == =====================================================================

ORDER the Gagriel project from online product photo album - be part of the years of study/research/vision = https://www.gabriel-project.thinkfamilyvacation.com/
