Hello. Antiques found in a new project by the Municipality of Pafos. the project was to connect the Hrissopolitissa church with the old church of Panayia Theoskepasti. - of course , the municipality decide to stop the project and clean the road . = WHAT i send them BEFORE 1 year and ..dont answer ? A ..MORE simple and CLEAN project WITHOUT TO .. CLOSE ROADS act = A pioneer project about the old school next to the apostle payl pillar .. with marketing and.. [ i cant say more..[] a project of church tourism with ..NEW ideas.. = - hope NOW they see my project - all i want is the change to work for them offering my pioneer projects [ there a lot more PIONEER ideas for all Papho [ castle/ tombs of the kings / FAROS/ catacomb / the bridge/ the parks ...] all from 2 years study/research and based on my work about sports tourism combine the history of each place. #antiques #paphos #thinkFamilyVacation #thinkApostlePaulPark ====================================================================== think Apostle paul park - by tFV= the Project i send before 1 year to the papho municipality [ from a full tourist campaign with name paphos city of kings = https://www.thinkfamilyvacation.com/post/paphos-city-of-kings-by-tfv-apostle-paul-park?fbclid=IwAR19iEoctIzk6ZVEeYj1FyE4TcC0oyH6HuUXE0tW9i12ZlOHoP0V7ekdgks =====================================================================

VISIT the photo album of the project - support/ subscribe the 1 year study /research by tFv https://www.saint-paul-s-pilla.thinkfamilyvacation.com/

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