Merry Christmas Larnaca - NEXT year the.BIG present for..EVERYONE a lot of / food and.. video games - IF sometime .. wake up the ,.chairs and ccept some of my pioneer / creaTive projects on sports tourism / HISTORY social media AND the 1st think basketball program= think sport court - EVERYTHING will change in Larnac[k]a ...- YES - Larnaca can be METROPOLIS of family tourism - if i find people with ..VISION nd not close mind / suspicion / fear of undermining work = [ now .. you find who give the of the 1st mall in the city ..] - i have many BIGGER projects.. - Zenon of citium give me a lot of inspiration.. [ even for his place - the ABANDON ancient kition ..there is ...idea ] - want to support or to be partner? willing to work/offer my pioneer projects to serious companies on tourism/ magazine act = 1st - like/ follow the page and instagram = - SUBSCRIBE to ..start feel my art of..creaTion = ============================================================================== INFORM - WILLING TO WORK TO ANY OTHER PLACE/PARK /ISLAND- JUST THERE TO .DEAL WITH SERIOUS AND OPEN MIND PEOPLE WHO..WANT MORE TOURISM BY..40% - and..there i ll say WHAT IS THE..BIG CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR ANY KID....======================================================================================================================================================= BY Think Family vacation- the 1st creaTive tourist website =Projects/NEW marketing ideas/ART Services =social media = [photo/video]/ Sport services -with..think sport court -A basketball program for ANY age/family act = For ANY place/park/hotel act = #offer #family #hotel #basketball #travel #socialMedia #sportsTourism ==============================================================================
#MERRYcHristmas #thinkFamilyVacation #basketball #merrychristmas #merrychristmasyafilthyanimal #merrychristmastome #merrychristmaseve #merrychristmas2015 #merrychristmaseveryone #merrychristmas2017 #merrychristmasale #merrychristmasyall #merrychristmasnate #merrychristmasmrlawrence #merrychristmas2016 #merrychristmastoall #merrychristmascharliebrown #merrychristmassign #merrychristmasstarbucks #merrychristmass #merrychristmastometoo #merrychristmascards #merrychristmasandhappynewyear #merrychristmasyafilthyanimals #merrychristmaspeeps #merrychristmasjesus #merrychristmaslayna #merrychristmaslizziemcguire #merrychristmasmofo #merrychristmasyafitnessanimal #merrychristmasnigga #merrychristmasnwa #merrychristmasyoufilthyanimal #LARNACA #LARNAKA