My vision ...spreads... = today 10 march 2014 i am glad that my vision for better future.for inspiration.for creativity for one green future founds collaborators . -- People with same vision,who think like me. In that period the period of crisis , we must think with our eye in the future ..ti birth new idea .to BE part of be little men in this big world. Today i learn about rethink Athens. [ presentation here= ] The winner of European architectural competition about new image of the center of Athens and ancient park. I m very happy THAT people exists because in Aegina island i find only people without vision. without creativity .without future. I m very happy because this company give me strength to continue to looking for partners .to find the investors for my vision for Agia marina family park.the First creativity family park in the world . my first presentation here -- I want to stress that project CAN build in every place with people with vision and inspired place . IF someone interesting to support [ donate] or to participate to my vision just go to my site . thanks . SHADOW...BE...MY..LIGHT.....
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