The philosophy of play [ video miniature art ] = a philosophy that became from years of study research- Concerns the.. attitude of life- THAT we ALL forgotten. The... GAME . -. The most tragic is that the game has been forgotten ,also from .. children. IN Greek , The word child comes out through the word game. Which is the beginning of life. It is obvious that I originally got the.. idea from time as a kid with the.. biggest and most functional game in this world - Playmobil. A game that motivates..CREATIVITY. As a poor kid, the only thing I wanted was.. Playmobil - the way to immerse yourself in your own worlds, create, get vision, understand life. -The.. PLAY system is open to the whole world. there is a vision .. creative and .. of course i am open to any suggestion from any city location, park etc -, inform- the play animation ,video art can work AND given to any hotel/ park/ business, company etc. PLAY is the.. key tool, the.. philosophy of the Think family vacation- A pioneer tourism campaign that seeks to work anywhere - You can get an idea from the website. An original campaign through years of work / research. How can any family win the time but.. also to get unforgettable creative memories on their vacation .. ==== INFORM..this video art can work [ with the campaign] to..any company/hotel act = SUBSCRIBE to the forum to read /participate the pioneer ideas.. the..bird in navy s hand [ symbol of burgas] was ONLY the..BEGIN.... ====
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